Unit 36, 1313 Border Street Winnipeg MB R3H0X4

Mortgage Renewal

Typically, three to four months before the end of the term, banks issue a renewal notification to their borrowers. The bank will only offer its own rate or incentives, attempting to keep its borrowers from shopping around, and their aims are undoubtedly to keep you with them. We recommend that you start looking for the BEST RATE as soon as possible before concluding with your existing bank. Red Star Mortgage Group can supply you with accurate information for renewing your existing mortgage; we maintain the lowest rates in the market and pledge to serve you with the BEST SERVICES.

  • Do you ever think to yourself, “How do I plan to stay as long as I can in this house?”
  • Do you ever wonder if you should consolidate your other loans into your present mortgage?
  • Do you like to think about which term is the most appropriate for you?
  • Do you prefer to think about whether a fixed or variable interest rate mortgage is better for you?
  • Do you ever wonder how you may save money and pay off your mortgage more quickly?You can probably call a Mortgage

Perhaps, due to less knowledge to answer to yourself on this question, you can contact @ Red Star Mortgage Group Professionals.

If your current Bank isn’t offering you the best rate on renewal of your Mortgage, you can consider for mortgage changing to the BEST BANK for BEST RATE. In general, the people renew with their current Bank and don’t switch to another, despite they could get lower rate from other Banks. There is no penalty if you switch at renewal time.

Due to your busy schedule, don’t have a time to surfing on computer or personal visit for BEST RATE! no need to worry, call Red Star Mortgage Group Professionals, we will provide you our best services at FREE of COST.